Lvzhijiang Bridge

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Lvzhijiang Bridge
Lvzhizhen, Yunnan, China
(984) feet high / (300) meters high
2,559 foot span / 780 meter span

The longest and probably most beautiful single tower suspension bridge ever built, the Lvzhijiang Bridge crosses a remote canyon in central Yunnan Province, China. The distance from tower to mountain anchorage is 780 meters surpassing the previous single tower record holder, the Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia expressway bridge with a span of 766 meters.

Lvzhijiang Bridge has a sleek steel box deck similar to what has been used on the Longjiang and Puli Bridges which are also in Yunnan Province. The Lvzhijiang Bridge is the largest and highest structure on the Yuxi to Chuxiong expressway.

Lvzhijiang Bridge satellite image.

Lvzhijiang Bridge location map.