Caijiagou Railway Bridge Yuwan

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Caijiagou Railway Bridge Yuwan
Liduzhen, Chongqing, China
574 feet high / 175 meters high
472 foot span / 144 meter span


The Caijiagou Railway Bridge Yuwan is the second of two massive parallel high speed railway viaducts that cross Caijia Creek between Fuling and Chongqing Cities. Both of these colossal structures are arguably the largest high level railway viaducts ever built with most of their two kilometer lengths measuring over 100 meters high.

The pier on the newer Caijiagou Railway Bridge on the HSR line between Wanzhou and Chongqing is 150.5 meters tall surpassing the older Caijiagou Railway viaduct's pier height of 139 meters. Only the 164.5 meter pier of the Xiangjiang Railway Bridge, the 154 meter pier of the Yuanjiang Railway Bridge and the 150 meter pier of the Luozehe Railway Bridge are comparable. The side piers are also very tall at 136 and 107 meters supporting the 3 main spans of 144 meters.

The newer Caijiagou Yuwan Railway Bridge has a length of 2,133 meters versus 2,105 meters on the older Yu-Li Railway line.

The entire Chongqing to Wanzhou HSR line has approximately a dozen bridges that exceed 90 meters in height. Just to the east is the massive Xinqiao Railway Bridge that also parallels the older Yu-Li Xinqiao viaduct and measures 106.5 meters high.




Caijiagou Railway Yuwan Topo.jpg

Caijiagou RailwayNewSatellite.jpg

The original Caijiagou Railway Bridge satellite image with the newer Yuwan Railway viaduct location shown in red.


A satellite view of the original Caijiagou Railway Viaduct under construction in 2011 just north of the expressway. The Yangtze River is at the bottom.


A satellite view of the original Xinqiao Railway Viaduct east of Caijiagou.


A wide view showing the 4 massive railway bridges with the 2 kilometer long Caijiagou Viaducts in the upper left and the 2,550 meter and 1,838 meter long Xinqiao Railway Viaducts in the upper right that are separated by a 2 kilometer tunnel. These are arguably the four largest high level railway viaducts on earth!

Caijiagou RailwayNewSatelliteWide copy.jpg


Caijiagou Railway Bridge location map.


Chongqing to Wanzhou HSR line major high bridges.